Township Clerk
Nadine Bosley
(989) 624-4159
Election Commission Members
- Nadine Bosley, Clerk
- Dennis Fent, Supervisor
- Janell Dodak, Treasurer
Election Location
Taymouth Township Community Center (Precinct’s 1 & 2)
4343 Birch Run Rd.
Birch Run, MI 48415
2024 Upcoming Elections
- Presidential Primary – February 27th, 2024 (Early Votes Public Notice)
- August Primary – August 6th, 2024
- November General – November 5th, 2024
Voter Registration
The deadline to register to vote in any manner other than with the township clerk’s office is 15 days before the election.
Voters may register in-person through election day at the township clerk’s office with proof of residency. The township clerk’s office will also be open the Saturday before the Election from 8:00am – 4:00pm to register voters and issue absent voter ballots.
All registered voters may vote from home. To request an absent voter ballot you may use this Absent Voter Ballot Application, or you may contact the clerk’s office to have an application sent to you.
Absentee Balloting
Please send all absentee ballot applications addressed to the Township Clerk in one of the following manner’s:
- By Mail: 4343 Birch Run Rd. Birch Run, MI 48415
- By email:
- The State of Michigan allows you to apply for an absentee ballot on-line. Please click this link to apply:
To track the status of your absentee ballot please click this link:
2022 Proposal 2 Election Changes
Voters approved to allow the following changes in voting
Statewide Early Voting. All Michigan voters now have the right to vote early in every statewide and federal election. In those elections, early voting must be offered for at least nine consecutive days, beginning on the second Saturday before the election and ending on the Sunday before the election, for at least eight hours a day. The first election at which early voting will be constitutionally required will be the 2024 Presidential Primary Election. Proposal 2 also allows communities to work together to provide early voting to eligible
voters. The Saginaw County Clerk’s Office has agreed to run early voting for the local clerk’s. They have decided that there will be one combined location for all residents of Saginaw County to vote at, which will be located at the Saginaw County Courthouse complex. As more information becomes available, we will be providing those details as soon as we can.
February 2024 Precinct Canvass of Early Votes Public Notice
Permanent Mail Voter List. This option gives voters the option to submit one application to receive an absentee ballot for all future elections. (Currently the permanent list only gets an application for a ballot mailed out automatically. This new list would prompt the local clerk to send a ballot automatically for each election so long as you are a valid registered voter.)
Additional Absentee Voting Improvements:
- Provide funding for prepaid return postage on absentee ballot applications and ballots.
- Enhance the tracking system for absentee applications and ballots to permit voters to track, and to receive electronic notifications about, the status of their applications and ballots.
- Inform voters via the enhanced tracking system of any deficiency in their ballots or applications and how they can address such issues. Voters must also be afforded an opportunity to correct any signature-related issues with their ballot or ballot application.
- Provide funding for at least one secure ballot drop-box for every jurisdiction. Drop-boxes must be available 24/7 for the forty days prior to an election up to 8pm on Election Day.
Voter Identification. Prop 2 enshrined Michigan’s existing Voter ID law into the Constitution. As has been the case for decades, every voter appearing in person to cast a ballot is asked to present an approved photo ID. Registered voters who do not have photo ID or do not have photo ID with them can sign an affidavit of identity and vote a regular ballot. Prop 2 also expands the types of photo IDs that can be used for voting purposes to include those issued by additional educational institutions and by local governments.
Military and Overseas Ballots. The absentee ballots of military voters and voters living overseas are considered timely if they are postmarked by Election Day and received by the clerk’s office within six days after the election.
Clerk's Office Election Hours
Appointments can be made outside these hours
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00am – 12:00pm & 12:30pm – 5:00pm
- Saturday before election Day: 8:00am – 4:00pm
- Monday before Election Day: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Election Day: 7:00am – 8:00pm
Additional Information
For information on registering to vote please click this link:
For General Election Information click this link:
List of Candidates and Election Results can be found on the Saginaw County Clerk’s website or by clicking this link: Saginaw County Clerk – Election Information